upstream sequence

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  1. Objective To appraise the relationship between fluconazole resistance and expression of the CDR1 gene upstream regulation sequence.
  2. Upstream the lef-3 there is a sequence encoded 127 amino acids, but it is a part open reading frame.
  3. The Upstream Sequence of Cholera Toxin B Subunit Gene: Effect on CTB Expression
  4. Studies on the Upstream Requlatory Sequence of Yeast Acid Phosphatase Gene PHO 81
  5. This is the first report on gene structure and upstream regulatory sequence analysis in reported plant PHGPx genes, which will be a prerequisite to understand regulatory mechanism of PHGPx gene expression in plants.
  6. The anti-sense waxy-GUS fusion gene in the plant expression vector, which was regulated by the upstream regulatory sequence of waxy gene was the material of target gene transformation.
  7. The melC 1 signal peptide-encoding sequence and its upstream sequence originated from S. antibioticus was also amplified by PCR technique.
  8. Characterization of the HMGI-binding AT-rich regions in the upstream sequence of the platelet-derived growth factor-B chain gene
  9. The upstream sequence of PS gene was cloned by genomic walking based on ligation-mediated PCR method.
  10. Conclusions Candida albicans fluconazole resistance is not due to mutation of the upstream regulation sequence of Candida albicans CDR1 gene.
  11. The results show that the expression levels of LT-B gene with two tandem SD sequences upstream from the initiation codon are lower than those with only one SD sequence and translation coupling can improve the expression levels;
  12. Methods The sequence specific primers of upstream, downstream and hybrid Rhesus boxes were designed on the basis of RHD gene sequence. The upstream, downstream and hybrid Rhesus boxes were determined by polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primer ( PCP-SSP) and mismatched PCR.
  13. There is no typical promotor found upstream of the ORF, but a possible SD sequence existed on the location-8.
  14. The prediction of transcription factor binding sites ( TFBS) is a hot issue in bioinformatics, its purpose is searching regulatory element on upstream of gene sequence that has critical influence to gene expression& regulation.
  15. In this study, based on the results the laboratory had, chicken oviduct ovalbumin gene upstream regulatory sequence and the first intron were selected as the research object, and its expression vector was constructed.